Autonomic Response Testing

The human body is constantly on busy, even in sleep. All activity is being monitored, controlled, and organized by an intelligent, bioelectric force called life. Life circulates in our bodies by way of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS is in direct contact with every cell, muscle, and tissue, and it knows exactly what is happening inside our bodies at all times. It is our functional nervous system.

To make this easy to understand, the ANS has two parts: the parasympathetic nervous system, and the sympathetic nervous system, or Yin and Yang. Generally speaking, if your body were a car, the sympathetic nervous system acts as the accelerator, or speeds things up and the parasympathetic nervous systems acts as the brakes, or slow things down. Normal, healthy people have a normal, healthy functioning ANS. Sick people do not have a normal functioning ANS to varying degrees. This is called autonomic dysregulation. Healthy people can regulate between having brakes on (parasympathetic dominance) and having the accelerator on (sympathetic dominance). Sick people can't; they seem to be stuck with either the brakes or the accelerator on. This is called blocked regulation. When your body is in a state of blocked regulation, that means that most of the intelligent bioelectric energy called life is being used to do something in the body: Clean, fix, detoxify, balance, etc

Autonomic Response testing reveals where the ANS is blocked and why.

The most common factors that cause blocked regulation are: Allergies, heavy metals, scar tissue, non-vital teeth, Jaw dis-function, infections and electro magnetic pollution.

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